Family history
Family history can be a determining factor in your child’s advancement towards autism.

advanced parental age
Parents age is a major factor in Autism. The older you are the higher the risk factors.

Pregnancy complications
Pregnancy complications can vary greatly in women. Therefore the physician will look for early signs and symptoms.

Birth Complications
Birth is another critical time that can expose a child to complications leading to the development of Autism.
A Message from Cincinnati Children's... "What is Autism?

Community Focus
At Unique Hearts Foundation we love to provide opportunities for autistic children to enjoy various amusements, attractions, or even create special events to celebrate their lives so that they feel special. Autism individuals and their families will have an opportunity to visit these attractions to have a life outside of Autism in which many will not have this chance to do so due to their financial situation of living with Autism. Unique Hearts Foundation will assemble walks to heighten Autism Awareness within the community and abroad. We will oversee various community involvement projects that many Autistic individuals and their families can be a part of through giving back to others in the community.
For example, assisting the elderly with home painting projects, Unique Hearts cleanup day in which we pick up trash and more in the community. This is a great opportunity to show people in the community that although some people have disabilities it does not stop them from believing that they are capable of uplifting the community through sanitation and uplifted spirits. This also serves and an educational opportunity in the community by allowing them to see that many with disabilities have some of the same capabilities of those without disabilities. UHFI believes that the more we include those of special needs with the community the more understanding and more acceptance of people that look different than them will occur.
Autism Advocacy
When it comes time for advocacy, Unique Hearts Foundation’s focus has been on serving the greater Miami community in a variety of ways all while staying true to its purpose and mission of helping families embrace autism in a way that they rarely get to experience. In order to meet those needs CEO Angelina Squire and Allen Powell make the most of their opportunities to raise money with events like the “Homestead Ribs Fest”, “Dinner with a Purpose” during Autism Awareness Month, and events sponsored by local churches. Mrs. Squire really lights up when she envisions a day that the children can utilize their competitive spirits with nice sports outing of playing softball, kickball, or volleyball.
“I look forward to the day that we have volunteers to help us coordinate creative events and sponsorship to continue to provide exposure for the children. Not only does it mean a lot to us but it means a lot to the parents who know their babies deserve to have play dates and events just like other children. Often times children with autism get left out birthday celebrations, fun days at the park, and swimming pool outings and so much more. It is a lot for parents to cope with because they want so much more for their children and many times they simply cannot afford it because of the expenses associated with autism and that is why it is important to have a community support system. We envision a day where we can go into the school systems and educate middle and high school students about autism. We can remember experiencing so many problems when our child was in school with other children picking on our son and bullying him all because he was different. The students know they are different but no one ever takes the time to explain why they are different, how genetics come into play, and how their development can be a slower process. We would love for students to have an opportunity to volunteer and spend time with autistic children because it will inspire compassion, patience, and maturity. I believe many students will learn that autistic children are awesome, gifted, and intelligent.”


Early Steps: Early Steps is Florida's early intervention program for infants and toddlers with developmental delays, including autism. The program provides evaluations, therapy services, and support to children and their families.